All About Abstinence

Spring semester ended early in June and most students are out enjoying their summer break - but they will be back on the school bus before you know it!  In fact, the fall semester will begin before our next newsletter is published. Time goes by so quickly it is essential that we utilize every opportunity to educate our youth about the importance of creating and maintaining healthy relationships with their family and friends - as well as boyfriends or girlfriends.

Wrapping up 2018-2019

We presented the Creating Positive Relationships (CPR) curriculum to 1,850 students in the spring semester. Combined with the fall numbers, a total of 3,784 students were taught about the importance of abstinence in the 2018-2019 school year!

The program is presented in 10 school corporations, 15 individual schools, and 39 different classrooms each year. Our data reveals an average increase in student knowledge of 10% with approximately 86% of students choosing an abstinent lifestyle at the end of the program. 

Getting Ready for 2019-2020

While middle and high school students are swimming, camping, hiking and biking, we are making plans for a brand new school year! We take instructing our youth on the importance of building healthy relationships very seriously, and we understand that this conversation needs to occur on a regular basis - during the various stages of youth development. This is why our program is offered to students from 12-18 years old AND why we are excited to be preparing for the 2019-2020 Creating Positive Relationships curriculum!

Anderson & Madison County

We hope to offer the CPR curriculum to Madison County Schools this fall and are attempting to make connections with school leadership this summer. If you have a contact in any middle and/or high school in Madison County, and can share that information, it would be extremely helpful to our efforts.

SRA Instructors

We are also pleased to announce that we have a new SRA Instructor! Jeremy McKnight will be attending the training session in August. This addition will increase our Sexual Risk Avoidance team to 6 members – but we still need more! We will need at least two additional instructors to present CPR in the Madison County school systems. If you or someone you know enjoys talking to teens and tweens, and is looking for an opportunity to make a lasting difference in the lives of young people, we have an opportunity for you!

Training sessions occur in August and January - so please let me know if you are interested becoming and SRA Instructor!


Thank you for your  prayers and support of First Choice for Women’s Sexual Risk Avoidance Program and the Creating Positive Relationships© curriculum. We are here because you care!


SERVE and Service at First Choice for Women


Church Spotlight - Kingston Avenue Baptist Church